Collaborate with

  • Startups
  • Researchers
  • Innovators
  • Leaders
  • Entrepreneurs

The Power of Place

VelocityTX is a bioscience research campus located in San Antonio’s historic East Side. Founded on the belief that life-saving innovations can be developed faster when researchers collaborate across disciplines, VelocityTX brings together established and emerging innovators in an inclusive, mixed-use community where ideas collide to spur medical breakthroughs.

Hear From Our Clients


“VelocityTX has been an invaluable partner in the growth of our company, not only through the coaching we receive as members of its incubator program, but also in the relationships we’ve developed with others on the campus.”

Chris Meyer, CEO, Fun and Moving

Hear From Our Tenants


“VelocityTX is the ideal home for Scorpius BioManufacturing with its close proximity to downtown and the airport, the resources it offers the growing bioscience ecosystem, and room for future development.”

Matt LeClair, VP of Manufacturing Operations at Scorpius BioManufacturing

Hear From The Military


“[VelocityTX helps us connect with] organizations outside of DoD so they have a better idea how to engage with the military’s medical mission.”

Dr. Sean Biggerstaff, Acting Director, Research and Engineering Directorate, Defense Health Agency

Hear From Our Partners


“Students can’t be what they can’t see. VelocityTX and its Step Into STEM program help young people visualize a career in San Antonio’s rapidly growing STEM fields.”

Jessica Weaver, CEO, Communities In Schools of San Antonio

Locate @ VelocityTX

Join us in our mission to advance bioscience research and innovation. Our 12-acre site offers flexible office and lab space, as well as shovel-ready, built-to-suit sites customizable to your development needs.

Locate @ VelocityTX

Join us in our mission to advance bioscience research and innovation. Our 12-acre site offers flexible office and lab space, as well as shovel-ready, built-to-suit sites customizable to your development needs.

Start Innovating Now with VelocityTX